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Ionospheric Monitoring Service
This page provides TEC maps and ionospheric scintillations indices using data across Romania.
Available products:
Selection time interval:
Start: End:
Format: CSV

The development of this webpage has been supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation, CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0266/16PCCDI/2018, within PCCDI-III. For further product-related information or enquiries contact us.

Web interface usage:

  1. Select the desired product from the "Available Products" tab.
  2. Select the desired time interval or click on the "Last week" button for the last week of available data for the chosen product.
    Note: For forecast products, the selected date represents the date when the forecast is made.
  3. Choose the format :
    • JSON - JavaScript Object Notation
    • CSV - Comma-separated Values, provided as a downloadable file: result.txt
  4. Click Submit

REST interface usage:

Our service provides acces via a REST interface. The links for downloading the products via the rest interface have the following format:
For SCINTILLATIONS INDICES:[year]/[day]/SCIN/[station]/[parameter]/[file name] where
  • [year]: The year in format YYYY
  • [day]: The day of the year, from 001 to 365/366
  • [station]: The name of the station, one of the following - ADCS,BUCE,BUZE,CONB,CRCL,HIST,PGNL,RMSR,ROSP,ROSU,TECC,TIRG,TUDO,VLDS,VRAP
  • [parameter]: The type of index, can be S4 or sigphi
  • [filename]: The name of the data file, which has the format [satellite_name][hour]_[time_interval]_s4.out (e.g. "C23r_45_s4.out"). The hour is denoted with letters from 'a' to 'x', 'a being 00:00:00 and 'x' 23:00:00. [time_interval] can be 15 for time interval between hh:00:00.0 and hh:14:59.9, 30 for time interval between hh:15:00.0 and hh:29:59.9, 45 for time interval between hh:30:00.0 and hh:44:59.9 and 60 for time interval between hh:45:00.0 and hh:59:59.9.
For SCINTILLATIONS FORECASTS:[year]/[day]/SCIN/[station]/[parameter]/forecasts/[file name] where
For SIGMA_PHI:[year]/[day]/sigphi/[station]/[parameter]/[file name] where
For SIGMA_PHI FORECASTS:[year]/[day]/sigphi/[station]/[parameter]/forecasts/[file name] where
Example :

For obtaining the S4 index data for the year 2020,day 326,station BUZE, sattelite G13, time interval 18:00:00.0 - 18:15:00.0 the query is:

One can use for example a machine-to-machina command such as "curl" to retrieve the products: curl --user : An user name and a password has be provided by the service admin.

Multiple parameters can be obtained using repeated queries.